A selection of Mathematics PhD thesis titles is listed below, some of which are available online:
James Jackaman – Finite element methods as geometric structure preserving algorithms
Changqiong Wang - Applications of Monte Carlo Methods in Studying Polymer Dynamics
Mark Parsons - Mathematical Modelling of Evolving Networks
Natalie L.H. Lowery - Classification methods for an ill-posed reconstruction with an application to fuel cell monitoring
David Gilbert - Analysis of large-scale atmospheric flows
Cassandra A.J. Moran - Wave scattering by harbours and offshore structures
Ashley Twigger - Boundary element methods for high frequency scattering
C. Spencer - A generalization of Talbot's theorem about King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.
L. Bennetts - Wave scattering by ice sheets of varying thickness
M. Preston - Boundary Integral Equations method for 3-D water waves
C. Hughes - On the topographical scattering and near-trapping of water waves
D.A. Bailey - A ghost fluid, finite volume continuous rezone/remap Eulerian method for time-dependent compressible Euler flows
M. Henderson - Extending the edge-colouring of graphs
K. Allen - The propagation of large scale sediment structures in closed channels
D. Cariolaro - The 1-Factorization problem and same related conjectures
M. Johnson - Some problems on graphs and designs
M. Martin - Data Assimilation in Ocean circulation models with systematic errors
T.C. Johnson - Implicit Numerical Schemes for Transcritical Shallow Water Flow
M.J. Hoyle - Some Approximations to Water Wave Motion over Topography.
P. Samuels - An Account of Research into an Area of Analytical Fluid Mechnaics. Volume II. Some mathematical Proofs of Property u of the Weak End of Shocks.
P. Sims - Interface Tracking using Lagrangian Eulerian Methods.
P. Macabe - The Mathematical Analysis of a Class of Singular Reaction-Diffusion Systems.
B. Sheppard - On Generalisations of the Stone-Weisstrass Theorem to Jordan Structures.
S. Leary - Least Squares Methods with Adjustable Nodes for Steady Hyperbolic PDEs.
I. Sciriha - On Some Aspects of Graph Spectra.
P.A. Burton - Convergence of flux limiter schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws with source terms.
J.F. Goodwin - Developing a practical approach to water wave scattering problems.
N.R.T. Biggs - Integral equation embedding methods in wave-diffraction methods.
L.P. Gibson - Bifurcation analysis of eigenstructure assignment control in a simple nonlinear aircraft model.
J. Bryans - Denotational semantic models for real-time LOTOS.
A. Morton - Higher order Godunov IMPES compositional modelling of oil reservoirs.
S.M. Allen - Extended edge-colourings of graphs.
M.E. Hubbard - Multidimensional upwinding and grid adaptation for conservation laws.
C.J. Chikunji - On the classification of finite rings.
S.J.G. Bell - Numerical techniques for smooth transformation and regularisation of time-varying linear descriptor systems.