employment letter sample for ohip

employment letter sample for ohip 1

If you are applying for OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan), you may need to provide an employment letter to demonstrate your eligibility. Here, we have provided several examples of employment letter samples for OHIP that you can use as a guide. These samples can be adapted to fit your specific needs, so feel free to edit them as needed.

Example 1: Employment Letter for OHIP Eligibility

I am writing this letter to confirm that John Doe is currently employed at XYZ Company as a full-time employee. His employment start date was January 1, 2020, and he is currently earning a salary of $50,000 per year.

Please let me know if you require any additional information regarding John’s employment status.

Example 2: Letter from Employer for OHIP

This letter is to confirm that Jane Doe is currently employed at ABC Company as a part-time employee. She has been working with us since February 1, 2020 and is currently earning a salary of $25,000 per year.

Please let me know if you require any additional information regarding Jane’s employment status.

Example 3: Verification of Employment for OHIP

I am writing to confirm that Jack Smith is currently employed at EFG Company as a full-time employee. He joined us on March 1, 2020, and he is currently earning a salary of $60,000 per year.

Please let me know if you require any additional information regarding Jack’s employment status.

Example 4: Letter of Employment for OHIP Coverage

This letter is to confirm that Mary Johnson is currently employed at HIJ Company on a contract basis. She started working with us on April 1, 2020, and her contract will expire on December 31, 2020. Mary is earning a salary of $30,000 per year.

If you require any additional information regarding Mary’s employment status, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Example 5: Letter of Employment Verification for OHIP

This letter is to confirm that Sarah Lee is currently employed at KLM Company as a full-time employee. She started working with us on May 1, 2020, and she is earning a salary of $40,000 per year.

Please let us know if you require any additional information regarding Sarah’s employment status.

Example 6: Letter of Confirmation of Employment for OHIP

This letter is to confirm that Tom Brown is currently employed at NOP Company as a part-time employee. He started working with us on June 1, 2020, and he is earning a salary of $20,000 per year.

If you require any additional information regarding Tom’s employment status, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tips for Writing an Employment Letter Sample for OHIP

When writing your employment letter for OHIP, keep these tips in mind:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is an employment letter for OHIP?

An employment letter for OHIP is a document that confirms an individual’s employment status and provides information about their job, such as start date, job title, and salary. This letter is often required as part of the application process for OHIP coverage.

Q: Who needs to provide an employment letter for OHIP?

Anyone who is applying for OHIP coverage and is not a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or refugee claimant must provide an employment letter from their current employer.

Q: What should be included in an employment letter for OHIP?

An employment letter for OHIP should include the employee’s name, job title, start date of employment, and current salary. It should also be signed and dated by the employer and include their contact information in case the OHIP office needs to follow up with them.

Q: How long does it take to process an OHIP application?

The processing time for an OHIP application can vary depending on the complexity of the case. In general, it can take up to two months to process an application.

Q: Can I apply for OHIP coverage online?

Yes, you can apply for OHIP coverage online through the ServiceOntario website. You will need to provide supporting documents, including your employment letter, as part of the application process.

Q: What do I do if I have questions about my OHIP application?

If you have questions about your OHIP application, you can contact the ServiceOntario INFOline at 1-866-532-3161. They will be able to provide you with information and assistance.

Q: Can I appeal a decision about my OHIP application?

Yes, if your application for OHIP coverage is denied, you have the right to appeal the decision. You can do this by submitting a request for a hearing to the Health Services Appeal and Review Board.


An employment letter is an important part of the OHIP application process for non-citizens. By following these examples and tips, you can ensure that your employment letter meets the requirements and provides the necessary information to support your application for OHIP coverage.