25 Best Motivation Letter Example Templates

The key to convincing potential employers that you are a good candidate is to write a motivational letter. Motivational letters are one of the keys to impressing potential employers. This is different from a cover letter and can be more effective to showcase your years of experience by quantifying your previous accomplishments.

Below we have 25 motivation letter example templates for you to put together a single-page letter unique to you and help you land that dream job.

Sample Letter Template for Inserting Your Body Paragraphs (Body Paragraphs Below)

Using the free template below, the first paragraph should introduce why you are writing to this employer, who you are, and include a summary of your academic institutions and work experience. In the second paragraph, talk about your professional experience, relevant skills, and highlight your value to the company by aligning your skills and experiences with the job posting. The third paragraph should ask for the job interview and include your contact information so that the hiring manager can reach you.

Tailor the following motivation letter to your needs:

[Your Name]
[Street Address]
[City, State Zip Code]
[Telephone Number]
[Email Address]

[Hiring Manager Name]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, State Zip Code]

Dear [Hiring Manager]:

My name is [Name], and I am writing to express my interest in applying for the [position] at [Company Name]. I have been working toward the goal of having a career in the [industry] industry with [Company Name] and helping it attain its goals of [researched company goals]. My [credential] from [University Name] gives me an edge that can benefit [Company Name].

[Insert your body paragraph(s) here.]

My resume is attached. If you have any questions or if you would like to schedule an interview, please call me at [phone]. I look forward to meeting you to talk further about employment opportunities at [Company Name].

Signature (if a hardcopy letter)
[Your Printed Name]
[LinkedIn Page, if you have one]
[Facebook Page, if it will help you get the job]

25 Best Motivation Letter Example Template Body Paragraphs

Here are 25 sample body paragraphs to plug into the template to create your own letter for that potential job at your dream company.

1. What drew me to [Company Name] was your company vision, [company vision/slogan]. I have demonstrated these values through my work at [Company Name] by always being [quality] and taking the time to [quality]. [Quality] and [quality] are also very important to me, both professionally and personally.

I have [relevant experience] that has catapulted me into learning other aspects of [industry], such as [aspect] and [aspect]. With this well-rounded perspective of [industry], I believe I am the perfect candidate for this position. I have the necessary skills and experience to get you results while keeping your core values at the forefront of everything I do.

2. As you will see by my job application, I have vast experience in [industry], and I’ve always prioritized [quality] and [quality] to ensure a great first impression for every customer. While at [previous Company Name], I developed skills in customer service, sales, and shipping and receiving.

My contributions to the changes in our packaging department saved the company [$number], and our staff appreciated the new [packaging feature]. I believe my strong educational background and extensive experience in the field will be an asset to [Company Name]. I have always been passionate about [industry], and I know that my love of the industry will make my transition into your team very smooth.

3. In your job description for the [position], you listed [quality] as being a priority at [Company Name]. I have [years] of experience managing the [department] where [quality] was made a priority due to changes I implemented in my first year. I have worked in [industry] for [years], and I was impressed by your company news about [quality] being improved across all of your locations. With my extensive experience and a solid background in executing [previously mentioned priority goal], I feel my skills would be a welcome addition to the [department] at [Company Name].

4. Having previously held a [position] and experience in a [field], I understand how challenging it can be to maintain relevance with the rising value of currency and inflation in the [field] market without breaking the budget. I know that [Company Name]’s current focus is to improve [quality], and I’m happy to report that at [current Company Name], I was part of a team that did just that.

In one short [timeline], I led our team to increase [goal] by [number]%, and decrease [goal] by [number]%. The results gave [Company Name] the opportunity to expand [division] by [number]%. Leading my team through this transition allowed me to support all my team members to achieve incredible results. I’m certain I could be a huge benefit to your business.

5. As a master’s degree holder in [industry] with [years] of proven experience in managing both [department] and [department] effectively and efficiently, I am well-prepared for your position. Professionally, I am very organized, calm, and patient with excellent [industry] skills. When [Company Name] experienced hardship with [project], my team and I were able to provide comprehensive solutions that [Company Name] could implement quickly to avoid any loss whatsoever.

In addition to providing quality service to [clients], I have the leadership skills needed to motivate other employees to perform above the industry standard. My team members have always described me as approachable, and results-driven, and I’m proud to say I was awarded [award] for my role at [Company Name]. I would love to bring my incredible expertise to your organization, to plan what we can achieve together.

6. As an [position] at [Company Name], I am responsible for evaluating the [specific measure] of up to [number] [clients]. I am also responsible for developing a rotational system to manage the care of [clients] and coordinate the workforce. I have been recognized as an ambitious, reliable, and dedicated individual who works independently.

Furthermore, I realized and implemented [field] duties I learned in school when I worked in a [position] at [previous employer] for [years]. The [employer]’s management commended my handling of difficult situations with [clients] while I worked there. All of this, along with my relevant education, makes me an ideal candidate for this role.

7. The job position for [position] that you have advertised matches well with the skills that I have acquired during my time at [Company Name]. My areas of expertise and passions are [industry] analysis, project management, and research. In addition to being my passions, these skills are the foundation for any project management professional.

As a financial manager who excels in data analysis, I understand where the company should be focusing its efforts. My experience and deep skillset will launch your company forward into the next decade.

8. I see from your posting that you’re looking for a [position] with experience in [field] maintenance, which happens to be one of my primary strengths. As a [position] at [Company Name], I steered full upgrades to our [task] over [timeline], resulting in an average increase of [number]% in [measurable goal], as well as a decrease of [number]% in [measurable goal]. As a result, productivity and employee satisfaction improved dramatically across the board. Employees found themselves eager to use the new system, and productivity increased by [number]%.

Additionally, I have developed my knowledge of hardware and software issues on [software] as well as [software] at [Company Name]. In addition to my experience level with advanced technical abilities, my proven ability to troubleshoot and resolve problems, and my excellent interpersonal skills, I am confident that I could be a valuable team member at [Company Name].

9. My role as a [position] at [Company Name] is to ensure fluid communication between [department] and [department], including all parties involved. I have doubled the [quantifier] at all [company-organized functions] by implementing new [industry] tactics over the past year. My degree in [subject] also places me in an ideal position to bring forward leadership skills to motivate and encourage all employees.

I have a track record of reliable reporting and a self-reflection tool I use with myself and my employees to drive results to the highest level possible. Employees become motivated to work together as they know I am receptive to all feedback. My passion for hard work and solid results make me the best candidate for your job opening at [Company Name].

10. At [Company Name], I managed a team of [number] people, and my main priority was always based on their safety and security. In contrast to other [positions], I make sure everyone knows their responsibilities when they are due and when they need to make changes, all the while keeping safety in mind. This is done using the system that I have used for [years] throughout that works for me. We conduct a safety meeting every day before anyone lifts a tool, and every [area] is viewable at any time. Every project is then executed on time and on budget, and we can clearly see when we have succeeded and where we need to improve. I think your company would find that I am a good fit for this position.

11. I’ve spent [years] managing [departmental budgets] for a [number]-person company, so I could plan a [frequency] project budget or draft an inter-office budget in my sleep. My career goals include consulting with executives to determine their financial strategies based on their experience.

My skills speak for themselves, but it’s that personal touch that each executive will find invaluable as they watch their investments compound. I take the time to research every client I work for and get to the root of their motivation for maximum results. My experience as a result-oriented professional makes me the right candidate for this position.

12. It was exciting to see that there was an opening in [department] with [Company Name] as your involvement with [other Company Name] has been meaningful to me for a long time. As a result, this job is my best fit since it brings together my experience with [department] and [other Company Name]. This would be a great way for me to integrate myself into your team and help your company launch through your next steps to reach your ambitious goal of [goal].

With my team building and management experience, together with my ability to troubleshoot this process, I believe I would prove invaluable to [Company Name]. At [previous role], I ensured a successful launch of merging both parties, which had a profound effect on both sides. You can count on me to deliver the same caliber of results to your organization.

13. As a longtime admirer of [Company Name]’s success, it was a pleasure to see your job opening. In light of my experience decreasing [goal] by [number]% for [Company Name] while reducing [goal] by nearly [number]% and boosting [goal], I believe I can be of assistance in [Company Name]’s current market challenges. As your company is about to embark on this new chapter, and since I’ve just led a team through a similar project, I think setting up an interview would be beneficial.

14. Ideally, this position will enable me to use my experience gained while holding [position] with [Company Name]. As such, I performed the [duty] at the [location] in all areas of the [department] and the [department]. The experience I gained working in [industry] further prepared me to progress in [industry].

I have a great deal of transferable experience, specifically in [area] and [area]. My objective is to gain a broad understanding of [area], [area], and [area]. Given the opportunity to interview with you, I believe I will make a great first impression on you and your management team.

15. As a [role] at [Company Name], I am in charge of analyzing the [specific measurement] of up to [number] [clients] as well as developing a systematic method for coordinating the care of [clients]. Known for my tenacity, reliability, and dedication, I can work independently. Those clients had a better chance at satisfaction with me leading the team in [department].

When I held a [position] at [previous employer] for [years], I used what I learned in school to fulfill [field] duties. While I worked there, [employer’s management] recognized my ability to resolve difficult scenarios with [clients]. My relevant education, along with my professional experience, makes me an ideal candidate for the role.

16. I have [years] of experience in this part of the business and I understand the communication skills required to perform this job effectively. I am confident that my exposure and knowledge will be an asset to your company. My experience has taught me that teamwork is of the utmost importance. I believe that strong relationships with all the departments in the organization take the company toward success.

I have taught myself to reach out and build relationships with all facets of the organization. I am passionate about my work, and I am confident you will find me a perfect fit for your business.

17. My experience includes leading multi-disciplinary teams and providing actionable solutions through [field] reports, overall campaign effectiveness, analysis, and insights. At [Company Name], I have been successful at increasing [goal] from [number] to number] in [timeframe]. My competitive nature allows me to handle complex situations both strategically and tactically.

With my knowledge of [industry], I managed to achieve [goal for Company Name]. You provide applicants with a vast array of career and growth opportunities, and I would like to join your company because you offer excellent career and growth opportunities. I believe that I am your best chance at hiring someone who will work hard to acquire those opportunities aggressively and with great enthusiasm.

18. I am a brilliant professional [position] who has been consistently praised as a trustworthy leader by my colleagues. Throughout several my career, I have developed proven [skill], [skill], and [skill], which I hope to leverage within the [department] of your company. The first thing I think about before tackling any project is “How can I improve this process to make it safer, and more efficient?” I am always looking for better ways to accomplish company goals. With my vast education and wide-ranging experience, I believe I am the ultimate contender for this position.

19. When it comes to handling and manipulating [product], I am known for my attention to detail and precision. Also, I am proficient in communicating between various groups, including designers, producers, quality assurance personnel, and warehouse personnel.

Your healthcare work appeals to me most about your company. As an employee of [Company Name], I learned the requirements of working in a federally-regulated environment and maintaining the strictest adherence to environmental protection and health regulations. Furthermore, I am committed to setting the latest industry trends and best practices to ensure that my team and I are bringing the latest standards to the warehouse floor. The best thing about having me on your team is that you won’t have to worry about a thing.

20. I worked for a leading [Company Name] for ten years after obtaining a degree from [University]. Several [industry] developments were delivered, and business was good. Along with many other industry professionals, I was laid off during the recession. My new career began with [Company Name] as a leading consultant, achieving a [number]% [goal] for its [project]. Based on this success, my CEO offered me a promotion to my current position [position] for the newly launched [project] of [Company Name].

This high-profile position entails overseeing a team of [number of] [industry] consultants, [industry] engineers, and support staff. Because of my industry knowledge and contacts, I have been able to reduce [field] costs by [number]% every year. In addition to the growth and occupancy goals, I overshot my vacancy turnover goals and resident satisfaction rates as well. Since these results can be reproduced for [Company Name], I believe I would be a good leader to bring a successful future to your department.

21. I’ve had several responsibilities and accomplishments in my previous position at [Company Name], making me an ideal candidate for [position] at [Company Name]. Using a similar format to [Company Name], I wrote plans for [project] at [Company Name], and a number of locations have now adopted it. Furthermore, my [percent] success at [project] and [project] in [industry] are among the best in the state, and I am sure I can produce similar results at [Company Name].

My dream would be to acquire the position at [Company Name]. Your company’s values have always impressed me. I was initially encouraged to become a [position] by several members of [Company Name]. Although I love [task] dearly, there is no other business that would make me as happy to work for as [Company Name]. Should I inherit this position, I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to the team.

22. In my professional career [position], I have consistently been praised by my colleagues as a superior leader. My career has enabled me to develop [skills], [skills], and [skills] that I hope to leverage within your company’s [department]. My successes with [project] over the last [number] years were directly responsible for an increase of [number]% in sales for [Company Name]. In addition, I take the health and safety of my staff very seriously. Before every project, I plan ways to make it efficient, safer, and more cost-effective. Aiming for greater success for the company is my constant goal. Given my extensive education and a variety of experiences, I am the most qualified candidate for this particular role.

23. I am well-suited for this position as a result of my master’s degree and my graduate studies. To complete it, a great deal of independent research was required, necessitating initiative, motivation, and an extensive set of skills. The knowledge of the [industry] was essential for one course, [insert course]. I found this subject to be very stimulating. It prepared me well to begin my career with [Company Name].

My [industry] skills are proficient and precise, and I have a keen eye for detail, so I would be very grateful if I were able to prove myself in this position. My enthusiasm and determination will help me guarantee success in this role immediately.

24. It is my pleasure to have extensive knowledge and experience with multiple applications and processes, including but not limited to [software], [software], [software], [software], and [software]. Throughout my career as an analyst, I acquired skills such as [skill] and [skill], and I approach analytics with a passionate and curious outlook. On my website, you can read several client reviews that demonstrate my ability to spot anomalies and provide solutions to remediate them.

As a self-employed [position], I was not only responsible for delivering on promises to clients but also solely responsible for managing multiple accounts and communicating with any clients. I am confident that these communication skills will help me in this role, which requires good time management and prioritizing skills, along with the ability to communicate findings clearly and concisely.

Despite enjoying the flexibility that comes with working for myself, I am ready to move into a full-time position with a company like [Company Name]. As a team member, I am eager to have the opportunity to collaborate with both my colleagues and clients. Both technical and non-technical team members can benefit from my strong research abilities and presentation skills. As an individual, I am well organized, am open to constructive criticism, and am driven to surpass everyone’s expectations. In my work, I strive for clarity and excellence, which are principles aligned with the company’s core values, which makes me a confident candidate for success on [Company Name]’s team.

25. [Publication] published an article about the opening of your company’s branch in my area, and I read it with great enthusiasm. Congratulations on your new business venture, as well as your pre-launch sale of $[amount]. When I discovered that [Company Name] was hiring, I knew I had to apply.

I have long desired to find a company where I feel like I can make an impact even while working in a [position] in [industry]. My training and knowledge make this the perfect opportunity for me to be a part of your team. Having been vital in the successful launch of [product] at [Company Name], I feel my passion for this [industry] and experience with [field] places me at the top for suitable applicants.


In addition to your letter, you will want to include your resume. Remember: hiring managers read many resumes. If you’re applying for the job of your dreams, as a starting point, consider how quickly your resume could be skimmed by a reader. You want to be direct, assertive, and keep it succinct. Always consider the following:

For recent graduates with no work experience, it can be the best way to demonstrate your relevant skills by showing specific skills you’ve acquired in school or through volunteering. I hope these examples of professional cover letter samples help you draft your winning letter.

Good luck. You can do this!

Author Biography
Keith Miller has over 25 years of experience as a CEO and serial entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, he has founded several multi-million dollar companies. As a writer, Keith's work has been mentioned in CIO Magazine, Workable, BizTech, and The Charlotte Observer. If you have any questions about the content of this blog post, then please send our content editing team a message here.

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