For medical purposes, once you turn 18, you are considered an adult.
There are required actions imposed on you by the Student Health Service. Whether you get sick or not, we’d like you to be knowledgeable about our services. We have expectations about your behavior that will support our operations.
All Oxford students must complete an immunization form. Non-compliance maintains a hold on future registration.
All full-time Oxford students are required to carry health insurance. If you don’t need the insurance the Miami bills, you must fill out an insurance waiver each year before the first Friday of the fall semester.
This is college. Everything is a learning opportunity. You may get sick, you may not. You may need a physical or immunizations to travel abroad. Well care and preventative issues are also addressed at the Student Health Service. You are smart; now be informed by reviewing our site.
The Student Health Service functions like a doctor’s office and we do have a business plan. We strive to meet your expectations of service. Our professionals are dedicated to patient care and wellness education.
You are our partner in our successful operation. Your attention to detail – arriving on time, bringing your Miami ID and insurance cards, knowing what medications you take and what you are allergic to – moves you seamlessly through check-in and triage. Your ability to communicate your symptoms helps our clinicians reach a diagnosis. Your compliance with the treatment plan and educational component aids your recovery.
Thank you for investing your time and effort into a healthy Miami University experience.
Please direct any questions to
In an effort to support a healthy college experience, the Student Health Service provides quality outpatient care, with services that include general medicine, injury care, and immunizations, as well as gynecology, laboratory, and psychiatry services.
Health Services Center
421 South Campus Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056
513-529-1892 (fax)
Please check the Bus Route.