The Department of Finance is responsible for revenue collection, utility billing, tax and parking enforcement, administering employee payroll, benefits and safety; risk management and accounting and financial reporting.
In addition to the parking, red light, and speed ticket issued to your vehicle, the Department of Finance mails a notice of violation. The notice of violation only includes tickets in the initial violation status. You have 21 days to pay or contest the violation(s) appearing on this notice. The notice of violation explains that you may schedule a hearing by correspondence, virtual, or in-person. The notice of violation is the first notice you will receive regarding a violation. If you do not respond to the notice of violation, the Department of Finance will mail a consolidated notice that may include violations in various statuses. Please refer to the specific section or sections below referenced on your notice. Each section explains your rights and responsibilities as they pertain to the ticket(s) listed in each section. Notice of Determination
Determinations of liability have been entered against tickets listed in this section for one of the following reasons: (a) an administrative law officer has entered a liable determination as a result of a hearing; (b) the registered owner or responsible party has failed to respond to either the ticket placed on the windshield or the mailed notice of violation or; (c) the registered owner or responsible party has failed to appear for a scheduled hearing. The registered owner or responsible party is liable in the amount of the indicated fines. If payment is not received by the listed PAY BY DATE. A late payment penalty will be assessed that is equal to the lesser of: (i) the original fine amount; or (ii) $250 minus the original fine amount. To see a list of late payment penalties by violation type, please visit If a determination of liability was entered by an administrative law officer as reflected in reason (a) listed above, you must pay the amount due or appeal the liable decision to the Circuit Court of Cook County within thirty-five (35) days of the date appearing on the original determination order from the Department of Administrative Hearings. If a determination of liability was entered but you have not yet had a hearing, you may attempt to contest the determination. You may petition to re-open the proceedings by appearing within 21 days of the initial default determination date and filing a petition to set aside at one of three (3) City of Chicago facilities offering hearing hours. Separate petitions must be filed for each violation you wish to re-open. Grounds for filing a petition are limited to (1) you were not the owner or lessee of the cited vehicle on the date of the ticket, (2) you have already paid the fine, or (3) your failure to respond to the earlier notices was excusable. If your explanation is sufficient, an immediate hearing on the violation will be held before the first available hearing officer. Therefore, when you appear to present your petition, please bring all materials that you will need to contest liability. Please bring copies as originals will not be returned. If you do not exercise your right to file a petition to set aside within 21 days of the initial default determination date, you will lose your option to contest the ticket either administratively or judicially. A late penalty will be assessed followed by a notice of final determination. Notice of Final Determination
Final determinations of liability have been entered against tickets listed in this section, and penalties have been assessed. Payment is due immediately. The final determinations may be enforced in the same manner as a judgment entered by a court of competent jurisdiction. The tickets may be collected by means including collection agency referral and credit bureau action, and the imposition of liens on real estate and personal estates. The amount owed may increase. Any expenses incurred by the City to enforce the determination, including but not limited to, attorney's fees and court costs, shall be debts due and owing to the City If you accumulate any three (3) or more final determinations or two (2) final determinations at least a year old, any vehicle you own may be booted and impounded until all fines, costs and penalties have been paid. Notice of Seizure If you have tickets listed in this section, any vehicle registered in your name may be booted unless all fines and penalties are paid within twenty-one (21) days of the first seizure notice listing such fines and penalties. If you have previously received a seizure notice, your vehicle(s) may already be eligible for immobilization. You have twenty-one (21) days from the date of your first notice of seizure eligibility to conclusively prove that you did not have three (3) or more final determinations or two (2) final determinations at least a year old. To challenge the impending seizure, you must appear at a City of Chicago facility offering hearing hours. Once a vehicle is booted, a boot fee of $100 ($400 for truck tractors, semi-trailers or trailers) must be paid in addition to all fines and penalties. All fines and penalties can include any ticket(s) in final determination status issued to any vehicle(s) registered in your name. If a vehicle remains booted for twenty-four (24) hours, or is eligible for immediate tow, it will be towed and impounded. Towed vehicles weighing less than 8,000 pounds (e.g., passenger cars) will be assessed a fee of $150 plus storage fees of $25 per day. Towed vehicles weighing 8,000 pounds or more will be assessed a fee of $250 plus storage fees of $50 per day. All fines, penalties and fees, including any ticket(s) in final determination status issued to any vehicle(s) registered in your name, must be paid to secure the release of a vehicle. For booted vehicles, payments must be made in-person or online by enrolling in a payment plan. For towed vehicles, payments must be made in-person by cash, credit card, or money order issued by the U.S. Postal Service. Other forms of payment will not be accepted. Do Not Tamper With or Remove The Boot. Tampering with or removal of the boot is illegal and will result in the immediate tow and impoundment of your vehicle and the imposition of a $750 fee (or $1000 for vehicles weighing over 8,000 pounds). If you feel you have been booted in error, you may challenge the seizure by appearing at a City of Chicago facility offering hearing hours within twenty-one (21) days after immobilization or within twenty-one (21) days of the date of the notice of vehicle impoundment. If your vehicle is towed to a City Auto Pound and no interest or action is taken to retrieve it, the pound will take its own action. The pound will keep a vehicle on premises for 21 days after the registered owner is notified by certified mail of the impending action. Failure to retrieve the vehicle or request a hearing within 15 days from the date of notice can result in the vehicle's sale or destruction. A 15 day extension can be requested by calling Department of Street and Sanitation at 312-746-4954, Monday to Friday, 7:00 am to 3:00 pm. Requesting Ticket Copies
Copies of tickets, if available, may be obtained by mailing your request and a self-addressed stamped envelope to the City of Chicago, Attention: Ticket Copies, P.O. Box 6289, Chicago. IL 606806289. Ticket copies may only be requested by the registered owner. A freedom of information act (FOIA) request is not necessary when requesting information regarding your own tickets.