Apply For A Business License St. Louis, Missouri

Every business that operates in the city of St. Louis, Missouri will need to be licensed through the License Collector’s Office located at 1200 Market Street in St. Louis, MO. There are several different license applications that are available. Depending on your business activities, you may need more than one license to be properly licensed. You will want to be in touch with the License Collector’s Office by calling (314) 622-4528. The St. Louis License Collector’s Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Their office is located at 1200 Market Street, room 102 - 104 in St. Louis, MO. The City of St. Louis has all of the business license applications for different businesses available to download and print directly from their website. The business license applications range from cable television/satellite installation to funeral homes to publishing, retail, trade, warehouse, storage etc. You will need to choose the license that best suits your business or contact the License Collector’s Office for assistance in determining which license(s) you will need.

What information will you need to complete a St. Louis, MO business license application?

Generally, most business license applications will require information about you as the business owner and about your business activities and location. In St. Louis, if your business is located within the city limits, you may need an occupancy permit, which is issued by the St. Louis Building Division. They are located at City Hall, room 425 on 1200 Market Street and can be contacted via telephone at (314) 622-3313. Your occupancy permit should be issued prior to applying for a business license. Certain businesses may require zoning approval, which can be obtained by contacting the Zoning/Permits Section of City Hall (room 400) or by calling (314) 622-3666. Some of the information that you may need to submit for any St. Louis business license application included:

  1. Name and mailing address of business
  2. Physical address of business
  3. Business phone and fax number
  4. Name, phone number, and email address of contact person
  5. Disclosure of any convictions or violations of Missouri Revised Statutes, chapters 566, 668, 573 or City Ordinance #67909, whether your business will involved being in contact with any minor or have any child-related activities, and the dates, county, and offenses listed on a separate page
  6. FEIN (federal employer’s ID number) issued by the IRS
  7. State sales tax number issued by the Missouri Department of Revenue
  8. Type of business organization, whether partnership, corporation, or individually owned
  9. Business start date
  10. Number of employees
  11. Printed name and signature of applicant to verify that all information is true and correct and that all tax fees are paid in full regarding real estate, personal, earning taxes, license taxes, any certificate fees, etc.
  12. A check box for construction industry contractors
  13. Business license calculation and amount (payable at time of application for business license)

If you have any questions or need any assistance in filling out your business license application, you can contact the License Collector’s Office by calling (314) 622-4528.

What are the costs associated with a St. Louis, Missouri business license?

Each business license application has its own license fee schedule on the business license application. Generally, your business license fees are based on criteria specific to your business, such as the number of employees you hire, your business activities, or your gross sales receipts. Business licenses are valid for one year, beginning on June 1. Payment and renewal must be received by the License Collector’s Office by June 1 or you will be subject to fees up to 45% of your business license fees. If your business license renewal and fees are not received by June 15, the policy of the License Collector is to begin the closure process for your business for operating without a license.

Do you need more information pertaining to a St. Louis, Missouri business license?

Contact the License Collectors Office at City Hall, located at 1200 Market Street in St. Louis, MO, Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. If you wish to speak to them by phone, call (314) 622-4528. The City of St. Louis has an excellent website with very useful information regarding business licensure.

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