Marriage Licenses

203 S. 4th Street, Room 109
Oakland, MD 21550
(301) 334-1937
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. / M - F
Closed state and federal holidays.

Marriage License Cost in Garrett County:
$40 - Please note that the court office does not accept debit or credit cards, please bring cash for payment.

Keep in mind:
There is a waiting period of 2 days in Garrett County to get married, and the license is valid for 6 months.

Residency Requirement:
You do not have to be a resident of Maryland, but you must obtain your license in the county where you are to be married (Circuit Court of Garrett County).

ID Requirement in Garrett County:
If you are 25 years or younger, you will need to provide identification in the form of a drivers license or birth certificate. Only one applicant needs to be present. The clerk will ask for your social security number, however, you do not need to have your card with you.

Previous Marriages:
Garrett County requires that you show your divorce decree, and/or have information regarding date, county and state of death (certificate of death) of your previous spouse.

Same Sex Marriages:
As of January 1, 2013, same-sex marriage is legal in Maryland.

Name Change Information:
Getting a marriage license with your new name on it does not mean your name has officially changed. You will need the official sealed marriage license, which will need to be obtained from the Circuit Court of Garrett County.

Official of a religious order or a deputy clerk or a judge.

Ceremonies can be performed by an official of a religious order (such as an ordained minister), the Clerk of the Circuit Court, a deputy clerk designated by the county administrative circuit court judge, a judge. See Family Law 2-406 for further detail. Maryland does not require celebrants to register with the state. However, it is crucial that the celebrant properly complete the license form and return it to our office within 5 days of performing the ceremony.

To obtain a copy of Certificate of Marriage:
Certified copies of marriage licenses are $5.50 via cash, check or money order only. These are public records so anyone may request a copy. This may be done in person or via mail. It does not need to be requested by either party. The person requesting this must have the wedding parties’ names and the year or marriage. Simply mail a check or money order for $5.50, made payable to Clerk of Court. Mail it to Clerk of Court, PO Box 447, Oakland, MD 21550. Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope and on a piece of paper please write both parties’ names (maiden name if applicable) and year of marriage. The date that the request is received, processing is completed that day and sent right back out.

State and county marriage license requirements are subject to change. Please contact the Circuit Court for Garrett County at 301-334-1937 for current requirements.