Transfer Credit

If you are planning to take courses at another university you should first complete the following steps:

Transferring credit to Ohio State:

Completed course work must be transferred to Ohio State in order to apply it to your degree program. For instructions on how and where to send your transcript, please see the Transfer Credit webpage on the Registrar's website. There you can also find information on interpreting your transfer credit report and a list of the transfer credit coordinators in each department here at The Ohio State University.

Courses taken at an Ohio college/university are eligible to be transferred to The Ohio State University with a grade of D or better. For courses that are transferred in with a grade of D, they will appear on your record as KD credit. ENR allows KD credit to be used to fulfill curriculum requirements. (However, some departments may still require a grade of C- or better as a pre-requisite for going on to the next course in a sequence.) Courses taken at non-Ohio college/university require a grade of C- or better in order to be transferred.

ENR credit that needs to be evaluated:

Courses that transfer to The Ohio State University as ENR general credit may need to be further reviewed and evaluated to determine if they can be assigned to a specific ENR course. The process to have these courses evaluated is fairly simple:

Please note that courses which fall outside the scope of ENR will need to be evaluated by their respective departments. Information on that process can be found here.

Applying transfer credit to your ENR curriculum

ENR students may request that courses taken at other institutions that was detemined to be Special or Technical credit be reviewed for use in meeting curriculum requirements for their major. In order to determine if the credit can be applied you will need to meet with your academic advisor.