
If you are new to our services, please fill out these intake forms and return them to Trauma Informed Therapies before our first session. These forms can also be filled out virtually by logging into the Theranest Client Portal. The Theranest Client Portal link is sent to the email address you provided when you scheduled with us.

TIT recommends you contact your insurance company prior to your first visit if you are considering starting treatment with us. It is important you understand the services your insurance will cover. Making this preliminary call by following the steps of this form provides peace of mind for many clients so they can turn their attention to treatment recommendations during their intake assessment appointment.

The following document allows Trauma Informed Therapies (TIT) to provide therapeutic treatment services only upon your consent:

Required by the State of Washington, the following documents provide information about the providers that you may be working with at TIT. These documents are yours to keep and contains important information about Trauma Informed Therapies policies and operations: